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Posting ads for open job positions

You can post an ad for open job position on the home page or in 3 rows of ads on the part of the website aimed at financial experts.

Posting ads for student jobS

Ads for student jobs are posted on the part of the website created for students and the compensation for their posting is symbolic and forwarded to the scholarship fund. So together we encourage the development of new financial experts.

Searching the database

When searching for the expert from the field of accounting, finance and audit you can search the SPECIJALIST.Financial Experts Database.

By searching the SPECIJALIST.Student Database you will find students who are interested in acquiring practical knowledge and professional experience.

Advertise commercialy

To other companies, financial experts and students visiting our website you can present your company, products and services via commercial banners.

Search the SPECIJALIST.Knowledge Database / Experts Reply

Look for answers to everyday business challenges in the SPECIJALIST.Knowledge Database and by using SPECIJALIST.Experts Reply.

Get informed about education programs

By using SPECIJALIST.Knowledge Calendar and ads for education programs choose an educational program needed for successful work and career development of your employees.


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  • SPECIJALIST.Newsletter
  • Notifications on the new financial experts' profiles posted in the SPECIJALIST.Database of Financial Experts
  • SPECIJALIST.Knowledge Calendar
  • Notifications on new education programs

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